It’s time to upgrade
your radio dispatch software.

911 consoles

For over 27 years, InterTalk™ Critical Information Systems has provided exact-fit dispatch console systems that ensure the safety and security of its customers.

Our dispatch software serves as a bridge between existing radio, telephony, analog, digital, and data communications, ensuring dispatchers have the tools they need to maintain safety and keep operations running seamlessly. Our custom console solutions are in use by police and fire departments, railways, and business enterprises, and we continue to be the dispatch equipment vendor of choice for public safety, utility, and transportation agencies across North America.

Which InterTalk Dispatch Solution Is Best For You?

Try our Dispatch Console Finder and elevate your operations with efficient communication in public safety, healthcare, transportation, and various other sectors.

Technology Integrations


Fire Dispatch Radio


Police Dispatch Radio


EMS Dispatch Radio


Utilities Dispatch Radio


EMS Dispatch Radio

Healthcare & Education

Radio Dispatch


Railroad Radio


Transport Dispatch Radio


Airport Dispatch Radio


Transport Dispatch Radio

Oil & Gas

Fire Radio Dispatch


Police Dispatch Console


Dispatch System


Rail Dispatch Radio


Transport Dispatch Radio

Oil & Gas

EMS Dispatch Console


Radio over IP


Trucking Dispatch


Aviation Dispatch Console


EMS Dispatch Radio

Healthcare & Education

The InterTalk Advantage

  • We design, build and unify complex communication interfaces.
  • We hear your ideas, opinions, and solutions, and are committed to making your public safety dispatch console vision a reality.
  • Our engineers and developers are on standby 24/7. We get back to you within 24-hours to answer your questions, provide technical support, or to schedule on-site training.
  • We bring value to your budget. We are committed to interoperability, meeting your specifications, and utilizing operational equipment components to make your system work holistically. We provide on-site training with the engineers and developers who designed your dispatch console.

Recent News

Enhancing Public Safety with Advanced Dispatch Systems

In high-stress emergencies, dispatchers make life-or-death decisions in mere seconds, handling over 240 million 9-1-1 calls annually in the U.S. alone.¹ An efficient dispatch system can mean the difference between saving a life or critical delays—making advanced...

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It’s time to get the right information, at the right time, in the right format.

Upgrade your public safety dispatch equipment today.

More information on our 911 consoles and public safety dispatch

Whether it’s 911 consoles or a two-way radio console, let us show you why we are the industry’s experts for superior dispatch radio consoles, public safety dispatch, emergency dispatch equipment . . . ALL your dispatch console solutions.