police dispatch console


Public safety dispatch consoles

When emergency incidents arise, police are often involved with multiple public safety agencies, each with different radio types, bands of operation, and protocols.

In a crisis or emergency, there is no time to manage an exchange of portables or establish a special setup to support the incident commander; this is why the systems and equipment used by police agencies serve as the critical foundation for their coordinated efforts in the field.

At the center of these dispatch radio systems is the police dispatch console, which acts as the “hub” for all types of communication information. The radio dispatcher managing emergencies relies on their dispatch consoles to connect them to those in the field, and to gather and process data for efficient and effective response. InterTalk’s ability to tie emergency radio dispatch equipment and information together is InterTalk’s fundamental strength.

Public Safety Dispatch Radio System

Police Dispatch Console

InterTalk Dispatch Console System

Powerful Police Radio Dispatch Solutions

Exact-fit police dispatch solutions that direct all aspects of your control, communications, and intelligence infrastructure at a secure, single point of contact.

radio dispatcher

InterTalk Enlite™

Next Generation Police Dispatch

Encrypted, secure & reliable, flexible police dispatch solution with on-demand scalability providing operational continuity and mobility. Cloud or on-premises infrastructure.

Why Choose InterTalk?



Trusted by public safety agencies across North America, InterTalk Critical Information Systems provides unparalleled flexibility, systems integration, and redundancy for your police dispatch radio. When public safety is on the line, InterTalk delivers unsurpassed dependability for dispatchers and front-line responders.

It’s time to have reliable emergency radio dispatch. It’s time to unify dispatch communications together.

Learn how we can integrate your radio police dispatch equipment and meet your specs for the customized dispatch radio system you need.