Aviation Radio Dispatch


From planning flight paths to accounting for wind speed, storms, aircraft performance and more, flight dispatchers shoulder a lot of responsibility.

When your dispatch communication system starts to age, you need a reliable dispatch console system up and running as soon as possible.

InterTalk is ready to support what you need and want in your control console system. Make your current equipment work for you and get the most robust radio dispatch solution for your budget right from the start. Our engineers and developers are just a phone call away to assist, problem solve, or schedule on-site training for any technical issues that arise.

Aviation Dispatch Equipment

InterTalk Dispatch Console System

Powerful Aviation Radio Dispatch Solutions

Exact-fit aviation dispatch solutions that direct all aspects of your control, communications, and intelligence infrastructure at a secure, single point of contact.

InterTalk Enlite™

Next Generation Aviation Cloud Dispatch

Encrypted, secure & reliable, flexible aviation dispatch solution with on-demand scalability providing operational continuity and mobility. Cloud or on-premises infrastructure.

Why Choose InterTalk?



Give us your specs and checklist. Let us work together to get your dispatch console, your way. InterTalk is known and trusted throughout the world to get the job done.

Discover how InterTalk’s Dispatch Console System will serve your flight dispatchers today.