Radio Voter System
Integrated Analog or Digital P25 Radio Voting System
The InterTalk Dispatch Console System is built to include a voting system right in the console, another radio dispatch console first. InterTalk’s truly integrated voter solution ensures the best mobile talk-back capability in the field, providing clear and constant critical communications. InterTalk’s voter solution supports uplink and downlink voting, and simulcast network voting.
Because InterTalk’s voting solution is a software-based algorithm, there is no need to use valuable space in your server room for numerous voting systems – it is included in the existing InterTalk ILS. Upgrades to InterTalk’s integrated voting solution are done with a simple software installation; with no additional voter hardware to maintain and support, the cost savings to your agency are significant.
Product Specs
Analog or digital P25 voting
Voting based on signal quality (S/N, BER, or RSSI)
Votes every 20ms to attain best signal
Each voter supports up to 24 sites
Uplink and downlink voting
Simulcast network voting
Future-proof via software upgrades to accommodate new and legacy technology
No additional 3rd party hardware required, saving space and money
Unlimited voter support via ILS
Now is the perfect time to arrange a needs assessment to help you with your Dispatch Console System path upgrade.
Get the reliable dispatch radio system you need and want.
InterTalk’s Dispatch Console System is engineered to the highest standards and is the most comprehensive dispatch console available.
+1 833 55-ITALK (48255)
371 Cutler Avenue
Dartmouth, NS B3B 0J5
California, USA
1014 North Market Boulevard, Suite 60
Sacramento, California 95834