In 2017-2018, the Government of Canada, through a Federal PSBN Task Team, consulted provincial, territorial, and municipal governments, first responders, the private sector, and various other stakeholders on implementation models for a PSBN in Canada. This Task Team was comprised of representatives from Public Safety Canada, Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED), and Defence Research and Development Canada’s Centre for Security Science (DRDC CSS).
InterTalk™ Critical Information Systems is extremely pleased with Public Safety Canada’s pursuit of developing and implementing a nationwide public safety grade broadband network. While Land Mobile Radio (LMR) has acted as a critical resource during times of emergency throughout Canada, InterTalk recognizes the need for public safety, and mission-critical deployments to reach some parity with the advanced features found in consumer-grade communications capability. These advanced features include picture/video messaging, geographic overlays and geolocation. As per the Public Safety Broadband Network (PSBN) mandate, more information about an ongoing emergency situation and interoperability between vast regions is critical in providing the level of emergency services Canadians expect today. Keeping this in mind, InterTalk systems ensure dispatchers receive the RIGHT information, at the RIGHT time, and in the RIGHT format.
Who are we?
InterTalk™ Critical Information Systems is a Canadian company operating for 25 years out of Dartmouth, Nova Scotia. InterTalk™ offers a suite of radio agnostic command and control products, including its IP-based InterTalk Dispatch Console System and the industry-leading Enlite™ Next Generation Dispatch based on flexible and mobile cloud architecture. InterTalk also manufactures gateways, logging recorders, and other complementary products to its console systems. With radio dispatch console systems deployed everywhere from towns to statewide systems, InterTalk is a wholly independent manufacturer with over 25 years of experience installing systems for public safety, utilities, transportation, government and enterprise markets. InterTalk is a dual ISO certified manufacturer (9001 and 27001).
What do we do?
The InterTalk™ Console System has proven itself as a reliable, scalable and powerful tool for first-line dispatch operations across the United States, Canada, and around the world. InterTalk has always been an industry leader by introducing new and valuable features as technology advances. InterTalk pioneered queue-based operation with Request-To-Talk (RTT). And it was the first system to successfully implement true Computer-Telephony Integration (CTI) within a public-safety grade console system. For the first time ever, dispatchers had both advanced telephone and radio features at their fingertips – all in one system.
When InterTalk Critical Information Systems (formerly Pantel International) acquired the business interests of Kasten-Chase in 2003, they updated Kasten-Chase’s InterTalk with innovations developed through their leading-edge IP-based console system called PowerSpeak. The new product, which maintained the InterTalk banner, included innovative groundbreaking features such as full CSSI P25 integration, SIP-based telephony, high-density analog interfaces, full-featured, integrated archival logging recorder (known as Transcript™) and much more. InterTalk provides a high-performance platform. With our extensive engineering, design capabilities, and our willingness to take on special projects, we’re able to meet any requirements. This unique position within the command and control market has allowed InterTalk to be an industry leader in next-generation, cloud-based dispatch deployments through the Enlite™ Dispatch product. Systems such as Enlite™ unlock the full potential of data-based information that the Canadian PSBN system wishes to achieve.
Why utilize our knowledge and experience?
InterTalks’ 25 years of experience within the command and control industry will prove valuable to the implementation and successful deployment of the Canadian Public Safety broadband network. With current clients such as the CN Rail, Royal Canadian Mounted Police (K and V Divisions), Ontario Northland, California Highway Patrol, and a combined 200+ years of engineering experience, InterTalk meets the requirements to provide important insight into the deployment of the PSBN.
InterTalk would welcome the opportunity to contribute to the planning and participation in the development of the Canadian Public Safety Broadband Network. Ensuring Canadians are served and protected by the best in technology and coordinated solutions is near to our heart. We want our community to be well served and prepared.
Read more about the Canadian Public Safety Broadband Network here:
Public Safety Broadband Network Government Report