
Dispatch News

LMR Dispatch has traditionally been architected on-premises at each agency’s location. In this IWCE 2022 presentation, Bryan Wiens, InterTalk’s Senior Product Manager, talks about radio dispatch being networked differently through cellular networks and the cloud. 

“Radio Dispatch Command Centers will move to an extended network communications approach as mission-critical broadband adoption grows. This means that critical communications agencies will focus resources on core activities and be even better connected.” – Bryan Wiens

Cloud providers have chosen to invest heavily in the public safety and critical communications space, driving a significant amount of cloud adoption. In 2022, 50% of PSAPs in America who change their system architecture will migrate to the cloud, and by 2028, almost all PSAPs will make the shift. 

Agencies must create a technology adoption plan to bridge their existing equipment, understand their agency objectives, and begin a risk assessment. 

Watch his presentation to learn how the cloud will change the dispatch industry and how professionals will adapt to these changes.

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